First of all, let’s get used to the Japanese way and customs
When foreigners try to live in Japan, many inconvenient things h...
When foreigners try to live in Japan, many inconvenient things h...
~ "three A" is, it does not panic, it does not hurry, and it does not give up. ~「3 つの あ(あわてずに、あせらずに、あきらめず)」は、「3つの D」
「SuMo Japapan」は、外国人(がいこくじん)が困(こま)っていることを質問(しつもん)することができるアプリです。
Japan is a country which is prone to natural disasters. J-ALERT is a nationwide instantaneous warning / alert system.
"Katagaki" is a word that means a position or a job title. We will introduce from general titles to professional titles.
Do you know the word "Nommunication"?( Nommunication: "Nomu" means drink. Nomu + Communication)
Gathering information on job hunting in Japan could be so difficult for international students that might made you end up lack of preparation.So, let me narrow down several necessary points on job hunting in Japan.
This article describes the types of pharmacies in Japan. この記事では日本の薬局の種類について説明します。