KyoTreat: Monthly Rental in traditional Machiya Townhouses
Living in Kyoto will let you see a whole new side of the city— one you will never find in a book or a tourist guide.
Living in Kyoto will let you see a whole new side of the city— one you will never find in a book or a tourist guide.
This is a very real issue that people moving to Japan will have to get used to.
There are various procedures and tasks you must accomplish when moving.In particular, you should be mindful of the following items.
When you live in housing complexes such as apartments you will deal with many different people in your daily life. Therefore, it is important to adhere to the following 5 rules in order to maintain amicable relations with others in your neighborhood.
Before you make a lease contracts ~ Types of Lease Contracts, Payments Required When Entering into a Lease, General Terms and Conditions of a Lease ~
As a foreign national, securing rental housing can be quite frustrating at times-perhaps you are unfamiliar with the ways in which Japanese real estate agencies conduct business or the terms of the contact are difficult to understand.Please use this article as a reference when securing rental housing in Japan.
Japan is one of the strictest countries of disposing garbage. Let's take a look at an example of Shinjuku`s disposing rule translated in 11 languages. 日本はゴミの捨て方に関するルールの厳しさと細かさが世界トップクラス。 日本で生活を始めたばかりの外国人が最初に苦戦することの一つに「ごみの分別」があります。
This article explains gas companies providing multilingual web p...