Special activity visa issued by Fukuoka-City:福岡市が独自ビザを発行

On this page, we’ll explain a special activity visa issued by Fukuoka-city.

Fukuoka-city is approved for a “Foreign Entrepreneurial Promotion Implementation Group” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)’s Foreign Entrepreneurial Activities Promotion Project.

Based on this approval, Fukuoka-city issues special activity visa for foreign people.

This visa is different from that of the Immigration Bureau.

Those entrepreneurs in Fukuoka-city are able to stay for preparations up to a year by utilizing this system.







Foreign entrepreneurs to start business in Fukuoka-city.


Qualified Industries:対象になる産業さんぎょう

Industrial type :産業の種類しゅるい Contents :内容ないよう
Knowledge innovation industry


Semiconductor-related, software development, content production, robot-related, etc.


Healthcare, medical care, welfare related industry


Drug discovery venture, medical technology development, regenerative medicine, welfare equipment development, etc.


Environment and energy related industries


Clean energy development, next generation electricity storage technology, global information system, etc.


Logistics business


Global SCM service, 3PL service, international delivery, drone logistics development, etc.


Trading business


Contributes to develop local products sales channels globally, utilizes the port of Hakata and Fukuoka Airport, and so on.

※Trading business should be something very new, or contribute local business.



The special activity visa is issued as follows.

The figure shows the issuing process at Gifu prefecture which is same as Fukuoka-city

※Reference source: Gifu-prefecture




You can find out more in detail of the project in English.

All the application form must be filled out in Japanese.

You can download the document from this page




Who can apply & Where to apply:書類を提出できる人と提出する場所ばしょ

Who can apply & Where to apply:


Person who can submit documents 書類を提出できる人

Applicant only


Where to submit documents 書類を提出する場所

Place: Fukuoka City Startup Cafe (Fukuoka City Hall 1F)

Address: Fukuoka Growth Next 1F Daimyo 2-6-11, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka City 810-0041

Opening hours: From 8:45 to 17:15 (Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, holidays during the New Year holidays)

 場所:福岡市スタートアップカフェ(福岡市役所しやくしょ 1F
住所じゅうしょ〒810-0001 福岡けん 福岡市 中央ちゅうおうく  大名2-6-11 Fukuoka Growth Next 1F


Support サポート

Fukuoka City provides foreign entrepreneurs with smooth start-up preparation support. The contents include action plan support, start-up advise in general, living advice, and housing/office advice. You can ask for advise as follows:

<General contact>

<Help Desk >

Department: Economy, Tourism & Culture Bureau, Business Startup & Investment Promotion Department, Business Startup Support Section

Address: 1-8-1 Tenjin Chuo Fukuoka-city

Phone number: 092-711-4455
Fax Number: 092-733-5901
E-mail: startup.EPB@city.fukuoka.lg.jp



部署ぶしょ経済けいざい観光かんこう文化ぶんかきょく創業そうぎょう立地りっち推進すいしん 創業支援
住所: 福岡市中央区天神1-8-1
TEL: 092-711-4455
FAX: 092-733-5901
E-mail: startup.EPB@city.fukuoka.lg.jp

Information about Fukuoka City 福岡市についての情報じょうほう

Information on the population, natural environment and industry of Fukuoka City is as follows.


Fukuoka City’s Data 福岡市のデータ

Fukuoka City is located in Kyushu. It is the fourth largest city in Japan with a population of 1,587,500. Kyushu University, which used to be Imperial University, Fukuoka University, which has approximately 20,000 students, and Kyushu Sangyo University, which has more than 10,000 students, are concentrated. Therefore, there is a large population in their 20s in Fukuoka Prefecture. In addition, due to the intermittent population influx, the average age of citizens other than the students is still relatively young.


Natural environment of Fukuoka City 福岡市の自然環境

Most of the city area is in the Fukuoka Plain. There are small mountains, but the area is almost flat. Owing to its flatness, it is more convenient for commuting, going to school, and riding bicycle for shopping than other large cities. The partial areas of the western and west southern belong to Sefuyri mountain area where it is a high latitude ups and downs landscape. There are seaports and houses at the coastal area, mainly landfill, of the city. In addition, there is an artificial island called “Island city” at the eastern Hakata bay. On the other hand, there remains natural coast around Nishi-ward, Higashi-ward, Umi no nakamichi, and islands area. Facing to the Sea of Japan, the area has a warm Pacific Ocean climate with average annual temperature of 17 degrees Celsius and 1500mm – 1800mm annual rainfall.
※Reference source: Wikipedia

市域しいきの多くは福岡平野へいやにあります。一部いちぶ小高こだかやまなどもありますがだいたい平坦へいたんです。他の大きな都市とくらべて平坦なので、通勤つうきん会社かいしゃ仕事しごとをしにくこと>や通学つうがく学校がっこうに行くこと>、もの自転車じてんしゃを使うのが便利べんりです。市域西部せいぶ西南部せいなんぶ脊振せふり山地さんちの一部で、標高ひょうこううみ水面すいめんからのたかさ>が高く起伏きふくの大きい地形ちけいです。まち海岸部かいがんぶは多くが埋立地うめたてち<海をめてつくった土地とち>で、港湾こうわんみなとのこと>や家などがてられています。また、博多わん東部とうぶには人工島じんこうとう<人が作ったしま>も作られています(アイランドシティ)。一方、西区にしくの多くや東区ひがしく・海の中道なかみち島嶼とうしょ部などには自然しぜん海岸かいがんのこっています。日本かいがわめんしていますが、あたたかい太平洋たいへいよう側気候・九州がた気候区であり、ねん平均へいきん気温きおんはおおむね17℃前後ぜんご年間ねんかん降水こうすいりょうはおおむね1500mm – 1800mmくらいです。※Wikipediaを参考にしました。


・ ・ Wholesale sales: a share of 43% in the Kyushu market (2014 commercial statistics)
・ Deposit balance: a share of 36% in the Kyushu market (the end of 2016, Fukuoka city statistics book, BOJ Fukuoka branch office statistics)
・ The number of university students per population:
Second biggest among the designated cities (4.7%, The census 2015 and the School Basic Survey)
-The number of Fukuoka Airport users: the 3rd largest in Japan (investigated by the Fukuoka City General Affairs Planning Bureau, 2001)
・ The number of overseas passengers at Hakata Port (Busan expressway): the largest in Japan (continuously since 1993)
・ The number of container volumes of the Port of Hakata: 6th in the country, 1st in the Kyushu region (investigated by the Fukuoka City Port Authority in 2001)
※Reference source:Wikipedia

※Reference source:Wikipedia


Related Links:
Aichi Prefecture issues its own visa for foreign students and business people:愛知県が外国人留学生・ビジネスパーソン向けに独自ビザを発行
Foreign entrepreneurship promotion project by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry:経済産業省による外国人起業活動促進事業
Visa status procedure comes online in Japan. :在留資格手続きがオンライン化されます
I will marry a Japanese woman, need to change my status of residence?:結婚したら今の在留資格は変更するの?
Application for change of residence to get into company, for international students. :留学生が就職するための在留資格変更手続き
Own visa issued by Gifu Prefecture for foreigners 岐阜県が外国人に発行する独自ビザ
Own Visa issued by Osaka City for foreigners 大阪市が発行する独自ビザ


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