Do you know “shigoto no tameno nihongo”?:しごとのための日本語研修

“shigoto no tameno nihongo” is a training course for promoting the stable employment of foreign residents.


JICE has been entrusted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare with the “Training Course for Promoting the Stable Employment of Overseas Residents” and implements training courses for such residents, who are experiencing extreme difficulty finding reemployment, to help them acquire Japanese communication skills in regions which are densely populated with foreign residents.


■ Target Participants:研修けんしゅう受けるうけることができるひと
This program targets those of foreign residents who have difficulties in finding stable employment due to insufficient knowledge and necessary skills for employment, including Japanese communication skills, even though they are actively engaged in job-hunting activities with high level of motivation.

  • 仕事しごと探しているさがしているひと
  • 日本語にほんごちから足りなくてたりなくて仕事しごとがないひと
  • 日本にほん仕事しごとをするために必要なひつような情報じょうほう少なくてすくなくて仕事しごとがないひと

■ Training Provided Areas:研修けんしゅうをする場所ばしょ
17 prefectures (Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Ishikawa, Nagano, Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie, Shiga, Osaka, Hiroshima, Shimane)

茨城県いばらきけん栃木県とちぎけん群馬県ぐんまけん埼玉県さいたまけん千葉県ちばけん東京都とうきょうと神奈川県かながわけん石川県いしかわけん長野県ながのけん岐阜県ぎふけん静岡県しずおかけん愛知県あいちけん京都府きょうとふ三重県みえけん、 滋賀県しがけん大阪府おおさかふ広島県ひろしまけん香川県かがわけん島根県しまねけん長崎県ながさきけん

■ How to apply:申し込むもうしこむところ
Application for participation in the program/training is accepted at Hello Works (Job Placement Offices) in the areas where the trainings programs are carried out.


■ Details:くわしい情報じょうほう
Japan International Cooperation Center.:一般財団法人いっぱんざいだんほうじん日本国際協力にほんこくさいきょうりょくセンター(JICE)
Training Course for Promoting Stable Employment of Foreign Residents

[note] Please click“Implemented area”, you can get a leaflet.



Related Links:
Employment Service for foreigners:外国人雇用サービスセンター
Consultation/information services for foreign residents:全国エリア別・生活情報/相談窓口リンク集
What is International Communication Committee in Japan? : 国際交流協会って何?


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