Procedures for moving:引越しに必要な手続き
There are various procedures and tasks you must accomplish when moving.
In particular, you should be mindful of the following items.
- Notifications of moving in and moving out:転出届・転入届
- Electricity:電気
- Water:水道
- Gas:ガス
- Telephone:電話(携帯)
- Mail:郵便
- Driver’s license:運転免許書
- Personal seal registration:印鑑証明
Notifications of moving in and moving out:転出届・転入届
■Before Moving:引越し前
Submit a notification to the office of the city, ward, town, or village that you are moving out of about two weeks in advance, and receive a moving-out certificate.
■After Moving:引越しの後
Submit a notification to the office of the city, ward, town, or village that you have relocated to within 14 days of moving in.
At the same time, you can change the address of your residence card.
■Before Moving:引越し前
Call the electric power company you currently have a contract with and the company you plan to use after moving.
■After Moving:引越しの後
Turn on any breaker or fuse switches.
■Before Moving:引越し前
Contact the water division of the office of the city, ward, town, or village that you are moving out of and of the area that you are moving into.
■After Moving:引越しの後
■Before Moving:引越し前
•Call the gas company you currently have a contract with, and have them shut the gas off.
•Also call the gas company you plan to use after moving.
●契約しているガス会社に連絡をし、 ガス栓を閉めてもらいます。
■After Moving:引越しの後
Have the gas company open your main gas valve for you, do a safety inspection, etc.
■Before Moving:引越し前
■After Moving:引越しの後
Call the telephone company you currently have a contract with.
■Before Moving:引越し前
If you notify the post office that you are moving, they will forward your mail to your new address for one year.
■After Moving:引越しの後
Driver’s license:運転免許書
■Before Moving:引越し前
■After Moving:引越しの後
運転 免許証の 住所 変更は、新しい 住所地の 警察・運転 免許センターでします。
転出・転入・引っ越し届を 出しても、運転 免許証の 現住所が 自動的に 新しくされません。
引っ越しが 終わったら いちばん 近い 警察、もしくは 警察が 運営している 運転 免許センターに 行って 住所 変更の 手続きをしてください。
Personal seal registration:印鑑証明
■Before Moving:引越し前
■After Moving:引越しの後
When you move to a new municipality, you should re-register your personal seal at the office of your new city, ward, town, or village.
Related links:
・Before you make a lease contracts:賃貸契約の前に知っておきたいこと
・A guide to rental housing in Japan:賃貸住宅の借り方
・The 5 rules for Living in Japan:快適に住むための5つのルール
・Visa status procedure comes online in Japan. :在留資格手続きがオンライン化されます
・Consultation/information services for foreign residents:全国エリア別・生活情報/相談窓口リンク集
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