Minimum Wages Law:最低賃金法 ~ 日本の労働関係法令 ~
In Japan, the following laws and regulations related to labour standards apply (extract):
3 Minimum Wages Law:3 最低賃金法 ~ 日本の労働関係法令 ~
(1)Types of minimum wage:最低賃金の種類
There are two types of minimum wage as follows:
① Minimum wage by region (minimum wage separately prescribed for each prefecture)
② Specific minimum wage (by industry)(Minimum wage prescribed for core workers in each category)
(2)Effect of minimum wage (Article 4):最低賃金の効力
An employer shall pay workers wages an amount no less than the minimum wage (Paragraph 1).
Even if a labour contract is entered into between an employer and its employee specifying a commitment to pay a wage in an amount less than the minimum wage, such committed amount of wage shall be invalid and a labour contract providing for a wage in the same amount as the minimum wage shall be deemed to have been entered into between both parties (Paragraph 2)
In addition, in case both the minimum wage by region and specified minimum wage (by industry) apply simultaneously, a wage in the amount equivalent to the higher of the two minimum wages shall be paid (Article 6)
In order to check whether a wage being actually paid is the same of higher than the prescribed minimum wage, the amount of wage concerned shall be compared with applicable minimum wage by using the following method:
・ In case of an hourly wage: Hourly ≧ Minimum wage (per hour)
・ In case of a daily wage:
Daily wage ÷ Prescribed working hours per day ≧ Minimum wage (per hour)
(In case of specified minimum wage (by industry) prescribing an amount per day:
Daily wage ≧ Minimum wage (per hour)
・ In case of a monthly wage:
Monthly wage ÷ Prescribed working hours per month ≧ Minimum wage (per hour)
(In case the prescribed working hours differ depending on the month:
(Amount of monthly wage × 12 months) ÷Prescribed working hours per year ≧ Minimum wage (per hour))
※The minimum wages by region and specified minimum wage ( by industry) shall apply to dispatched workers.
<The list of regional minimum wages>
都道府県名 regional |
最低賃金時間額【円】 minimum wages |
発効年月日 Date of issue |
北海道 Hokkaido |
835 | 2018/10/1 |
青 森 Aomori |
762 | 2018/10/4 |
岩 手 Iwate |
762 | 2018/10/1 |
宮 城 Miyagi |
798 | 2018/10/1 |
秋 田 Akita |
762 | 2018/10/1 |
山 形 Yamagata |
763 | 2018/10/1 |
福 島 Fukushima |
772 | 2018/10/1 |
茨 城 Ibaraki |
822 | 2018/10/1 |
栃 木 Tochigi |
826 | 2018/10/1 |
群 馬 Gunma |
809 | 2018/10/6 |
埼 玉 Saitama |
898 | 2018/10/1 |
千 葉 Chiba |
895 | 2018/10/1 |
東 京 Tokyo |
985 | 2018/10/1 |
神奈川 Kanagawa |
983 | 2018/10/1 |
新 潟 Niigata |
803 | 2018/10/1 |
富 山 Toyama |
821 | 2018/10/1 |
石 川 Ishikawa |
806 | 2018/10/1 |
福 井 Fukui |
803 | 2018/10/1 |
山 梨 Yamanashi |
810 | 2018/10/3 |
長 野 Nagano |
821 | 2018/10/1 |
岐 阜 Gifu |
825 | 2018/10/1 |
静 岡 Shizuoka |
858 | 2018/10/3 |
愛 知 Aichi |
898 | 2018/10/1 |
三 重 Mie |
846 | 2018/10/1 |
滋 賀 Shiga |
839 | 2018/10/1 |
京 都 Kyoto |
882 | 2018/10/1 |
大 阪 Osaka |
936 | 2018/10/1 |
兵 庫 Hyogo |
871 | 2018/10/1 |
奈 良 Nara |
811 | 2018/10/4 |
和歌山 Wakayama |
803 | 2018/10/1 |
鳥 取 Tottori |
762 | 2018/10/5 |
島 根 Shimane |
764 | 2018/10/1 |
岡 山 Okayama |
807 | 2018/10/3 |
広 島 Hiroshima |
844 | 2018/10/1 |
山 口 Yamaguchi |
802 | 2018/10/1 |
徳 島 Tokushima |
766 | 2018/10/1 |
香 川 Kagawa |
792 | 2018/10/1 |
愛 媛 Ehime |
764 | 2018/10/1 |
高 知 Kochi |
762 | 2018/10/5 |
福 岡 Fukuoka |
814 | 2018/10/1 |
佐 賀 Saga |
762 | 2018/10/4 |
長 崎 Nagasaki |
762 | 2018/10/6 |
熊 本 Kumamoto |
762 | 2018/10/1 |
大 分 Oita |
762 | 2018/10/1 |
宮 崎 Miyazaki |
762 | 2018/10/5 |
鹿児島 Kagoshima |
761 | 2018/10/1 |
沖 縄 Okinawa |
762 | 2018/10/3 |
平均額 average |
874 | - |
Related links:
・1 Labour Standards Law:日本の労働関係法令 ~1 労働基準法~
・2 Employment Contracts Act:日本の労働関係法令 ~2 労働契約法~
・4 Industrial Safety and Health Law:日本の労働関係法令 ~4 労働安全衛生法~
・5 Workmen’s Accident Compensation Insurance Law:日本の労働関係法令 ~5 労働者災害補償保険法~
・Are Your Working Condition Fair ?:労働条件で困っていない?
・How do international students get a job, in Japan?:留学生がアルバイトをするには?
・Application for change of residence to get into company, for international students. 留学生が就職するための在留資格変更手続き
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