When do paid holidays become usable in Japan ?:有給休暇はいつから使える?
The Labor Standards Law stipulates the annual paid leave system so that employees may take leave at any time and enjoy a pleasant life.
Under this system, if you have worked continuously at a company for six months since starting and has worked at least 80% of the working days during this time (days when they have to come to work), you can take a minimum of 10 days paid leave; following this, more paid leave can be taken according to the number of years that you have worked at same the workplace.
An employer shall grant annual paid leave of 10 working days, either consecutive or divided up into portions, to an employee who has been employed continuously for 6 months calculated from the day of hiring and who has reported for work on at least 80%of the total working days (Article 39).
使用者は、その雇入れの日から起算して 6ヶ月間継続勤務し全労働日の 8 割以上出勤した労働者に対して、継続し、又は分割した10労働日の有給休暇をあたえなければならない (第 39 条)
Part-timers can also take annual paid leave depending on the number of their working days, even if their fixed working days are relatively few. Even though the contract period of employment is for one month or 3 months, if employees have worked for more than 6 months as a result of renewal of contacts, they may take annual paid leave.
アルバイトの人など、はたらく日が少なくても、はたらいた日数に応じて、有給休暇がもらえます。契約期間が 1ヶ月や 3 ヶ月のような場合でも、契約を更新して 6 ヶ月以上はたらいた場合は、有給休暇がもらえます。
The number of paid holidays is as follows:有給休暇の日数
You may request paid leave anytime but may be asked by his or her employer to change the date(s) of the leave if his or her absence in the requested period would interfere with the normal operation of the enterprise.
Paid holidays can be taken within 2 years from when it was allowed, but you can’t take it after the day of resignation.
有給休暇の権利は、付与された日から 2 年間有効です。退職してから取得することはできません。
Get some rest!!!
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