• Consulting Service for International Students and Workers.

What is International Communication Committee in Japan? : 国際交流協会って何?

International Communication Committees are organizations which provide various information for international residents living in Japan.

There are a lot of organizations like as International Communication Committee all over Japan. There are various names, for example, International Exchange Association, International Center, etc.

They provide information  that is about “Disaster Information”, “Living Information”, “Japanese-language Education” and “Cultural exchange events”. Most of them supplies consulting service for international residents in English or other language. So, if you have problems or need to know for living or working, you can contact organizations like them in your region.

Consultation/information services for foreign residents:全国エリア別・生活情報/相談窓口リンク集


国際交流協会こくさいこうりゅうきょうかいのような組織そしき日本全国にほんぜんこくにあります。International Exchange Association, International Centerなどなどいろいろな名称めいしょうがあります。



Related Links:
Consultation/information services for foreign residents:全国エリア別・生活情報/相談窓口リンク集
Life information in Tokyo for international residents : 外国人在住者のための東京生活情報
Payslips ; Japanese-English contrast :給与明細の項目を英語にしたら?
National Pension System:国民年金制度の仕組み
Social Insurance System in Japan:日本の社会保険制度
How do international students get a job, in Japan?:留学生がアルバイトをするには?
Visa status procedure comes online in Japan. :在留資格手続きがオンライン化されます



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