The Projects for Encouraging Foreign Entrepreneurs to Start Business ...
This page talks about in detail of the projects by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
This page talks about in detail of the projects by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
There are a bunch of things that need to know first before you get married!
In an event that a company goes bankrupt and it fails to pay wage to you, there is the system in which the government advances the your wage on behalf of the company.
"The annual paid leave system” Paid holidays can be taken within 2 years from when it was allowed, but you can't take it after the day of resignation.
Aichi Prefecture issues a "special visa" for foreign students and business people.
On this page, we will explain Fukuoka City's own visa. Foreigners who want to start a business in Fukuoka City can use this system to stay in Japan for business preparation for up to one year.
On this page, we’ll explain a special activity visa issued by Osaka-city. Osaka-city is approved for a "Foreign Entrepreneurial Promotion Implementation Group" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (MITI)'s Foreign Entrepreneurial Activities Promotion Project.
Gifu Prefecture is approved for a “Foreign Entrepreneurial...
Important Points of the Japanese National Pension System and Other Public Pension Systems. National Pension Coverage Categories and Enrollment Procedures.
In case of getting into company, international students change their visa which is permitted working in Japan.