He came all the way from Australia to become a professional in footba...
We would like to introduce the case of an 18-year-old from a rural town in the mountains of Australia who wants to become a soccer professional.
We would like to introduce the case of an 18-year-old from a rural town in the mountains of Australia who wants to become a soccer professional.
One of these traditions is Obon (お盆ぼん), a holiday that takes place in either mid July or mid August, depending on the region. However, the August date has become more common as of late, and this is when most people will have a few days off work.
当一个外国人来到日本时,他出于各种原因考虑各种事情,并出于各种目的来到日本。 这一次,我将介绍一对中国老夫妇的案例,他们希望静静度过余生。
When a foreigner comes to Japan, he or she will come to Japan for various purposes, thinking about various things for various reasons. This time, I will introduce the case of a Chinese elderly couple who want to spend the rest of their lives quietly.
Apa tujuan orang asing menetap di Jepang dan mendapatkan pekerjaan? Kali ini, saya ingin memperkenalkan kasus orang Indonesia yang datang untuk bekerja tanpa memikirkannya.
~English~What purpose do foreigners settle in Japan and get jobs? This time, I would like to introduce the case of Indonesians who have come to work without thinking about it.
There are some words that you’ll hear Japanese people say ...
The low crime rate does reflect on Japanese people's behavior.
Buddhist temples and Shinto Shrines are coexisting in Japan for many years. Christians are about 2% of Japanese population; Catholic and Protestant are present mainly western part of Japan.
If you do want to spend the night out, there are quite a few options available to you that are uniquely Japanese.