No more messy hair ! Lets find your favorite hair salon
Is it hard to find a favorite hair salon in Japan? “Yes” A lot of people from all over the world would answer like this because of language barrier and miscommunication. but don’t worry about it. I am going to introduce some procedure when you are in hair salon, and also famous hair salon with English in Tokyo. Its pretty sure it’s going to be helped a lot for you.
日本で お気に入りの 美容院(hair salon)を 見つけるのは むずかしいですか?
日本の 美容院の中での すごし方や 流れなどを 説明します。
Easy steps for going to hair salon:
1. Open the door and say “konnichiwa” with smile
ドアを 開けて「こんにちは」と 笑顔で 言います。
Konnichiwa is going to be the great world when you meet someone. It means just “hi” in English. Ice breaking is the most important for hair dresser and you. Don’t hesitate to try to speak Japanese. We are all nice.
2. Information card
あなたの 名前や 住所、連絡先などを informationカードに 書きます。
When you get in a salon, then you are going to get a information card from them, you need to fill up your name, address, phone number and why you chose here and so on.
3. Starting fix your hair
あなたの 希望を きいたら、髪の毛の セットが 始まります。
希望の 髪型の 写真を 用意してもよいでしょう。
This is the most hard time to tell them how your hair want to be. Don’t give up to tell what your preference of hair style and colour. The best way is showing the picture that you want to be, but try it first
Some hair salon hire the people who communicate with foreigners, especially in Tokyo.
4. After shampoo is shoulder massage
シャンプーの後に 肩の マッサージをしてくれる 美容院も あります。驚かないで ください!
They will do massage after shampoo surprisingly. This is the one of survice in hair salonin Japanese way. If its is first time to go to hair salon Japan, you are going to be surprised. They will give you a perfect massage for you. I can descrive this moment Refresh and comfortable. And also around those time when they give you a massage, you could discuss your hair type and get an advise to fix your hair. Massage is free in any hair salon.
You understand what is going to happen when you get in hair salon in Japan. So now you should find some great service hair salon and this is the time to head there!
日本の 美容院での すごし方や 流れを チェックしたら、すぐに 美容院に 行ってみてください。伸びたり はねたりした 髪の毛を がまんしないでください。
※予約が 必要なことも ありますので 注意してください。
We’re going to introduce some famous salon with English service in Tokyo.
東京で 英語で 対応できる 美容院を 紹介します。
all hair stylists are bilingual, so you might feel comfortable in there. They were working as the hair stylist in abroad and training English as well. Here is the best place you would experiences Japanese service with English.
- ASSORT at Gaienmae
This hair salon is very interesting because there are two more brunches in New York and Hong Kong and one more here in Japan. There are reasons why They will give you a great service, this is because staffs who have had the experience of working in the best salon in New York and featured on TVs and in magazines work in this salon. Its pretty sure that you can fix your hair whatever you want.
- SOZO at Omotesando
Here is the famous for more than 90% of customers coming back to this salon. The place is in the Aoyama and Omotesando area which is well known for celebrities. Do you feel hair salon is for women? Don’t worry about it. You will find some male customers too. Try great service in great area!
Do not miss every experiences. The first when you are going to hair salon, you feel nervous definitely, but its pretty sure every hair salon is waiting for you with smile. Once you open the door, your new experience will be started.
はじめて 美容院に 行くとき、まちがいなく 緊張すると 思います。
しかし、美容院のスタッフが 笑顔で あなたを 待っているのは 確かです。
ドアを 開けると、新しい 経験が 始まります。
Related links:
・Hair Salon Mayfar 美容室メイファー:Gifu City, Gifu
・Should I change my status of residence by marrying a Japanese woman?:結婚したら在留資格は変更するの?
・An international marriage procedure:国際結婚の手続き
・The 5 rules for Living in Japan:快適に住むための5つのルール
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