Special activity visa issued by Kobe-City:神戸市が発行する独自ビザ

On this page, we’ll explain a special activity visa issued by Kobe-city.

Kobe-city is approved for a “Foreign Entrepreneurial Promotion Implementation Group” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (MITI)’s Foreign Entrepreneurial Activities Promotion Project.

Based on this approval, Kobe-city issues special activity visa for foreign people.

This visa is different from that of the Immigration Bureau.

Those entrepreneurs in Kobe-city are able to stay for preparations up to a year by utilizing this system.






Qualifications 対象たいしょうになるひと

Foreign entrepreneurs to start business in Kobe-city.


Qualified Industries:対象になる産業さんぎょう

The industrial sectors covered by Kobe City’s own visa are as follows.

(1) Business using advanced technology (IT, health, medical, welfare, environment, logistics, etc.)

(2) Businesses that induce high added value and innovation in existing industries

(3) Other projects that the mayor of Kobe recognizes as necessary


(1)高度こうど技術ぎじゅつ活用かつようした事業じぎょう(IT, 健康けんこう,医療いりょう福祉ふくし,環境かんきょう , 物流ぶつりゅうなど)




The procedure of the Kobe City’s own visa being issued to foreigners is the flow of the diagram below.

The figure shows the flow of procedures in Gifu Prefecture, but the flow is the same in Kobe City.



※神戸市のホームページより引用いんよう(Japanese language page)

As for the procedure, it is written in English on the page that explains the foreign entrepreneurship promotion business of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

You need to write all submissions in Japanese.

You can download the documents from this page and list them.




Who can apply & Where to apply:書類を提出できる人と提出する場所ばしょ

Kobe City decides  where they can submit documents as follows.


Place: New Industry Division, New Industry Division, Medical and New Industry Division (Kobe City Hall, Building No. 1 23F)
Address: 6-5-1 Kana-cho Chuo-ku, Kobe City 650-8570

TEL: 078-322-0241
Email: new_industry@office.city.kobe.lg.jp

Open agency time: From 8:45 to 17:30 (Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, holidays during the New Year holidays)

場所:医療・新産業本部 新産業部 新産業課(神戸市役所1号館23F)
住所:〒650-8570 神戸市中央区加納町6-5-1



Support サポート

Kobe City is focusing on entrepreneurship support. There are various start-up support methods such as 500 KOBE ACCELERATOR, the world’s top entrepreneurship program, and Urban Innovation KOBE, the open innovation program of the municipality.

Kobe City offers support so that foreign entrepreneurs can prepare smoothly for entrepreneurship in the prefecture. The contents of the support are support for preparation of entrepreneurial activity plan, consultation about Entrepreneurship, consultation about life, and support of residence and office. You can consult the following contacts.

Place: New Industry Division, New Industry Division, Medical and New Industry Division (Kobe City Hall, Building No. 1 23F)
Address: 6-5-1 Kana-cho Chuo-ku, Kobe City 650-8570

TEL: 078-322-0241
Email: new_industry@office.city.kobe.lg.jp

Open agency time: From 8:45 to 17:30 (Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, holidays during the New Year holidays)

神戸市では、起業家支援にちかられています。世界せかいトップレベルの起業育成いくせいプログラムである500 KOBE ACCELERATORや自治体じちたいのオープンイノベーションプログラムであるUrban Innovation KOBEなどいろいろなスタートアップ支援の方法ほうほうがあります。


場所:医療・しん産業本部ほんぶ 新産業 新産業(神戸市役所しやくしょ1号館いちごうかん 23F)
住所:〒650-8570 神戸市中央ちゅうおう加納かのうちょう6-5-1



Information about Kobe City 神戸市についての情報じょうほう

Information on the population, natural environment and industry of Kobe City is as follows.


Kobe City’s Data 神戸市のデータ

Kobe City is in the Kinki region. This city is the seventh largest city in Japan and one of the designated cities. A designated city is a city with a population of 500,000 or more. The population is approximately 1,560,000. In 2008, it was the first Asian city to be recognized as a “design city” by UNESCO. In 2012, Kobe was chosen the only place in the top 10 in Japan by ECA International of Switzerland surveys and announces living standards such as climate, medical services, infrastructure, safety and clean air, and ranks fifth in the world as “the most livable city in the world” . Kobe was second only to Singapore in Asia as a whole. Kobe is one of the most livable cities in the world. ※ We referred information of Wikipedia Japanese edition.


Natural environment of Kobe City 神戸市の自然環境

Kobe city area spreads around Rokkosan. The present residential area extends from the northern part of the Rokko Mountains to the western hilly place <where the altitude is high>. The town continues from the coast to the foot of the mountain. Recently, the sea area and the sea are reclaimed <filling the sea and making a land>, the port and the town are extended. Summer is very hot.




Kobe City has always been a brewery town. After foreign ships were allowed to enter Kobe Port, large enterprises such as steel, shipbuilding and other transport machinery and general machinery increased in Kobe City. In addition, this town is a town where a large number of SMEs who have developed advanced manufacturing technologies while supporting large companies are located. There are unique and diverse industries such as rubber manufacturing, pearl processing, and tourism.
※ We referred to the homepage of Kobe City.



Related Links:
Aichi Prefecture issues its own visa for foreign students and business people:愛知県が外国人留学生・ビジネスパーソン向けに独自ビザを発行
Foreign entrepreneurship promotion project by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry:経済産業省による外国人起業活動促進事業
Visa status procedure comes online in Japan. :在留資格手続きがオンライン化されます
I will marry a Japanese woman, need to change my status of residence?:結婚したら今の在留資格は変更するの?
Application for change of residence to get into company, for international students. :留学生が就職するための在留資格変更手続き
Own visa issued by Gifu Prefecture for foreigners 岐阜県が外国人に発行する独自ビザ
Own visa issued by Fukuoka City for foreigners 福岡市が外国人に発行している独自ビザ


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