final tax returns "kakuteishinkoku"

Final tax return in Japan “kakuteishinkoku” :確定申告について

What is final tax returns “kakuteishinkoku” ?:確定申告かくていしんこくとは?

People such as independent business proprietors, farmers and freelancers must calculate their fixed income for the income earned over the one-year period from 1 January to 31 December of the preceding year, calculate the amount of tax to be levied on this sum and file their income tax returns. However, this is not necessary for the majority of salary income earners.

However, salary income earners too will have to file income tax returns in the following cases.

・In cases where the person’s yearly income from his or her salary is more than 20 million yen.
・In cases where the person’s salary is paid at more than two places.




In the event that you have a dependent in your own country, you can receive a deduction for dependents.
Therefore, even if you are a salary income earner but are not receiving a deduction for dependents, you should file your income tax returns and then receive a tax refund.


In addition, there are some cases where you are entitled to a partial or total refund of the withholding tax. You may claim a tax refund by declaring deductions for large medical expenses or special credit for the purchase of a residence, even if you are not required to file a final tax return.


An advisory service concerning filing a final return is available at the tax office. You can also get a tax leaflet in English from tax offices.


For details please visit: the National Tax Agency’s website.

A copy of the income tax returns can in some cases be necessary when extending or changing status of residence, so you should keep hold of a copy.



Related Links:
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