Application for change of residence to get into company, for international students. :留学生が就職するための在留資格変更手続き
In case of getting into company, international students change their visa which is permitted working in Japan.
International students have to submit the document “Application for change of status of residence” to the regional immigration office in charge of applicant’s intended address.
Who should submit the application?
Essentially, international students themselves should submit the application.
Where international students should submit the application to?
They should submit the application to the regional immigration office in charge of applicant’s intended address.
What the documents do international students have to submit ?

They need a photography themselves for application.
International students have to submit the following documents.
1) Application for change of status of residence:http://www.moj.go.jp/content/001290150.pdf
*There are need to attache applicant’s photography.
2)Letter of guarantee: http://www.moj.go.jp/content/000007419.pdf
3)Questionnaire : http://www.moj.go.jp/content/001245366.pdf
When do international students have to applicate?
Immigration bureau accepts the application from December, for international students getting into a company at April.
So International students should apply early.
About when will international students know the result?
Within 2 months, in case international students obtain approval, the notification is delivered for them by a postcard.
If they don’t obtain approval, the notification (that is documented about reason of disapproval) is delivered for them with an envelop.
What should international students do to complete the process.
After graduation, international students bring with the notification, diploma, passport, resident card, and 4,000yen(for cost of revenue stamp) to the regional immigration office. Then, international student’s “change of status of residence” is allowed by official.
・Visa status procedure comes online in Japan. :在留資格手続きがオンライン化されます
・How do international students get a job, in Japan?:留学生がアルバイトをするには?
・Health insurance system in Japan:健康保険制度
・1 Labour Standards Law:1 労働基準法~ 日本の労働関係法令 ~
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