If company goes bankrupt and you get no paid.:会社が倒産してしまった...
In an event that a company goes bankrupt and it fails to pay wage to you, there is the system in which the government advances the your wage on behalf of the company.
In an event that a company goes bankrupt and it fails to pay wage to you, there is the system in which the government advances the your wage on behalf of the company.
"The annual paid leave system” Paid holidays can be taken within 2 years from when it was allowed, but you can't take it after the day of resignation.
In Japan, the following laws and regulations related to labour standards apply (extract):5 Workmen's Accident Compensation Insurance Law:日本の労働関係法令 ~5 労働者災害補償保険法~
In Japan, the following laws and regulations related to labour standards apply (extract):4 Industrial Safety and Health Law:日本の労働関係法令 ~4 労働安全衛生法~
In Japan, the following laws and regulations related to labour standards apply (extract):3 Minimum Wages Law:日本の労働関係法令 ~3 最低賃金法~
In Japan, the following laws and regulations related to labour standards apply (extract): 2 Employment Contracts Act:日本の労働関係法令 ~2 労働契約法~
In Japan, the following laws and regulations related to labour standards apply (extract): 1 Labour Standards Law:日本の労働関係法令~①労働基準法~