If you're Japanese, you probably have no idea what the JLPT is. If you're not and you're studying the language, you're probably familiar with it, or at least have heard of it.
If you're Japanese, you probably have no idea what the JLPT is. If you're not and you're studying the language, you're probably familiar with it, or at least have heard of it.
Well, can foreign residents in Japan delivery service? Can they do UberEATS’ as a part time job? Let’s take a look at the list of occupation and residential status for foreign residents in Japan
Japan has an experience of having improved the health conditions of the people across the country by instituting a universal public insurance system.
How to complete final income tax return.
If you are a foreigner who runs a own business in Japan, you defiantly need to file your final income tax return.
留学生の皆さんは来年の4月は何をしていますか? 新しい大学や専門学校に行っていますか? それとも、会社で仕事をしていますか?
最近、日本では会社で働いている人でも副業やアルバイトをしてもいいと認める会社が多くなってきています。 外国人でも副業としてウーバーイーツ(UberEATS)の副業ができるのでしょうか?
マイナンバーとは? A 12-digit number designated and notified to each and ...
外国人も日本人も、正しい入管法がわかっていれば、問題を防ぐことが できます。また 問題が起きた時でも対応することができます。
On this page, we’ll explain a special activity visa issued by Kobe-city.