saya datang ke New World Jepang untuk pekerjaan (Bagian 3)
Apa tujuan orang asing menetap di Jepang dan mendapatkan pekerjaan? Kali ini, saya ingin memperkenalkan kasus orang Indonesia yang datang untuk bekerja tanpa memikirkannya.
Apa tujuan orang asing menetap di Jepang dan mendapatkan pekerjaan? Kali ini, saya ingin memperkenalkan kasus orang Indonesia yang datang untuk bekerja tanpa memikirkannya.
~English~What purpose do foreigners settle in Japan and get jobs? This time, I would like to introduce the case of Indonesians who have come to work without thinking about it.
There are some words that you’ll hear Japanese people say ...
The low crime rate does reflect on Japanese people's behavior.
Buddhist temples and Shinto Shrines are coexisting in Japan for many years. Christians are about 2% of Japanese population; Catholic and Protestant are present mainly western part of Japan.
If you do want to spend the night out, there are quite a few options available to you that are uniquely Japanese.
The Japanese are known for their politeness, respectfulness, and a strict etiquette for every situation. If you behave correctly and communicate well in business settings, you will go down well with your customers and colleagues. Here is the essential guide for beginners.
When foreigners try to live in Japan, many inconvenient things h...
If you want to avoid the smell of tobacco and live or are visiting Tokyo, you're in luck.
~ "three A" is, it does not panic, it does not hurry, and it does not give up. ~「3 つの あ(あわてずに、あせらずに、あきらめず)」は、「3つの D」