He came all the way from Australia to become a professional in football (Part 5)
- Japanese → サッカーのプロを目指してオーストラリアから来ました
Even if a foreigner comes to Japan somehow, there is really nothing we can do for various reasons.
The more you feel about solving the problem, the longer it takes. It is safer to check in advance, prepare and come to Japan.
In particular, studying Japanese is essential.
However, he came to Japan casually without any prior knowledge and no language preparation.
As such, we would like to introduce the case of an 18-year-old from a rural town in the mountains of Australia who wants to become a soccer professional.
Sorry??? Do you want to be a soccer pro?
Do you want to become a soccer professional in Japan?
In the usual way of thinking, he enters a football club or soccer club in his home country and works hard to become a professional football professional in that country, but in his case it seems to be different for some reason. He have graduated from a mountain school in Austria, so we can hardly hear Austrian English. As we took the time to unravel the puzzle, we realized that aboriginal blood was flowing. In addition, it has been understood that it is difficult even in the writing. This is because regular English is mixed with slang and dialects.
In addition, Spanish was also included.
The life of communication is the language of English. We have to do something for him to live in Japan. The only thing we can get is 18 years old. The reason why he chose Japan is that it is quiet in the island country and has four seasons, and it is easy to spend it in a warm climate without war.
Even though he lives in Japan, he doesn’t have a clear focus.
At our city hall, we have three kinds of “Japanese language classes” held twice a week, respectively.
All of the instructors are volunteers, but the city provides free locations and texts. This was offered not for foreigners who came to Japan, but for those who did not go to elementary school, let alone junior high school, for various reasons at first. Therefore, there are a lot of elderly people. However, in recent years, the number of young people has increased for some reason. The reason for this is that there are people who were not able to go to the elementary school enough by bullying, the injury, the sickness, the withdrawal, and poverty, etc. in the elementary school.
And, of course, there are many foreigners.
For those who were not able to go to junior high school, “night junior high school” is prepared in Japan, but because there is no case for the elementary school object, such a “Japanese language class” is necessary at least in the local administration.
“Hiragana Classroom”
This is mainly how to read hiragana, katakana, numbers, and pronunciation practice, writing, and how to listen. We teach them to have minimal daily conversation in their daily lives. Every Monday and Thursday night. One and a half hours per scene.
Sunday is a supplementary lesson, there is a morning club, and the review and the question are mainly, but for some reason it is always full.
“Introduction to Kanji Class”
Students read mainly about the types of Kanji that they learn in elementary school. Learn to write, listen, and speak. Every Tuesday and Friday night. One and a half hours per scene. Sunday is a supplementary lesson, there is a day time club, and the review and the question are mainly, but for some reason it is always full. Why is this? It’s a strange phenomenon!
The first grade pupil of the elementary school learns 一右雨円王音下火花貝(One Right Rain Circle King Sound Under Fire Flowers Shelly ), but how to read the Chinese character seems to be annoyed with the student scolding because there is “Chinese-style Reading (ONYOMI)” and “Native Japanese Reading (KUNYOMI) “.
“Chinese-style Reading ” is a reading based on the pronunciation of old Chinese, and ” Native Japanese Reading ” is a Japanese reading that represents the meaning of kanji. For example, the reading of “rain” in Chinese-style Reading is “u”, and the Native Japanese Reading is “ame”. That’s why Japanese people like to be “eclectic.” It is wisdom that the race lives.
“Kanji Mastery Class”
This is mainly the 500 kanji you learn in the fourth to sixth years of elementary school. Every Wednesday and Saturday night. One and a half hours per scene. Sunday is a supplementary lesson, there is a night club, and the review and the question are mainly, but for some reason it is always full. Students are not able to enter the classroom, stand in the hallway, or listen seriously to the class outside.
The curriculum ends in three months, and students are handed a certificate of completion issued by the city’s external organization. This is very important for foreigners, and their employers always check them when they get a job. However, this is not a regular one, and it is a reference to the last.
Support for youth
(1) Japanese hands and search for employment in our city
Due to financial reasons, he participated in three classrooms in three months to study. Three months later, he got three certificates, but did he study Japanese desperately? Unfortunately, we didn’t have a suitable job. He can’t speak Japanese at all. Since English education will begin in the fifth and sixth years of elementary school in april 2020, we think there would have been a way to cram school if he could speak normal English. It is difficult in This Japan because it is English and it is not English.
(2) Introduction to the Japanese football industry
Japanese professional football has a pyramid structure, with J1, J2 and J3, and the J3 team is at the bottom of it. It rarely appears on TV. In the remote area, there was the maintenance of the home ground and the recruitment of interpreters, so I gave him a letter of introduction and a letter of recommendation for the “Foreign Support Room” and saw him off at a nearby station.
(3)Advice that can be called a souvenir when you leave the city
A) Remember nearly 1000 Kanji.
Because it is a Chinese character used by elementary school students in Japan, please read first and study for yourself so that it can be written. I’m sure it will come when it will be useful.
Look forward and trust yourself, rather than looking back on the past.
B) “Law of Cause and Effect”
Whether it’s good or bad, there’s always a cause for what happens. Reflection is sometimes necessary. You can predict or predict the next result, due to the consequences of what happened. If the actual results are different from the predictions and expectations, you can think about the differences between the two and the causes. and you can also lead new results.
Don’t panic, take your own life slowly.
C) Contact with the local community
It is friends and local people who help you when you are in trouble. If you are alone, you will be isolated. Then, it is necessary to avoid it because it thinks about the good thing.
It is important to have some kind of contact with the community. For example, it’s a good thing to be active with local people about once a week by forming a “local soccer team”. Such a sober thing works. Don’t panic. And don’t give up. I’m sure there will be something good. People look at you very well. Everyone is observing it well.
At the end
It’s been about a year since he left the city.
A non-English (in Japanese) letter from him arrived in our support room.
“I’m a grand keeper and interpreter to get into the J3 team safely. When I really need an accurate interpreter, I write kanji on paper and do my best. I play soccer with people in the area during the holidays. I also go to the sports shop in town to help when I’m off.”
“The text I got is popular and popular. I’m already tattered because of you! “
It was good, and it is relieved by this. Oh, my God!
Related links:
・Find the right job for you in Japan (Part 1)
・When working in Japan, be aware of unexpected pitfalls (Part 2)
・I came to New World Japan for a job (Part 3)
・I came to Japan in search of a quiet and peaceful place (Part 4)
・Japanese words you should know
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