Ideal day-off ideas –visiting museums
There are so many museums in Japan.(apparently the 3rd in the world after USA and Germany)
There are so many museums in Japan.(apparently the 3rd in the world after USA and Germany)
Here is the latest information for vegans in Japan.
While it's technically true that the most direct translation of "no" is "iie", this word is hardly ever used by native Japanese speakers in everyday life.
This time, I will introduce the case where she came to Japan from the Netherlands following him.
Surprisingly, eating out can be quite a different experience here.
A lot of people enjoy their time after work in Japan, (well, apart from workaholic people) it is called Afterlife.
This time, from a Japanese point of view, I'll tell you about the life of an Irishman who was born and raised in Dublin.
手に職を持った外国人が来日して、定職につくケースが数多くあり、全体的に歓迎する方向にあります。 今回は、日本人から見ると「イギリス人」と言えるかもしれませんが、正確にはダブリンに生まれ育ったアイルランド人の人生を紹介します。