Today I'm going to talk about some different supermarkets you can do your food shopping at, and my experience with them.
Today I'm going to talk about some different supermarkets you can do your food shopping at, and my experience with them.
Going to Spain, my home country, was easy enough. I converted my Japanese proof of vaccination to a vaccination passport through an application released by the Spanish government.
Religion and mythology in Japan
Less than an hour away from Tokyo is the traditional, seaside town of Kamakura, old capital of Japan and a popular tourist destination.
Oigawa and Sumatakyo
I already talked about my impressions of the Disney Parks in Tokyo, and rated the rides at DisneySea. Here are those at Disneyland, rated from one to five Goofies.
my first impressions and general feel of Tokyo Disneyland and DisneySea. Today I’m going to talk about some individual rides at DisneySea and rate them from one to five Mickeys.
I have to admit, I’m not the biggest Disney fan. I’ve never been into Disney characters, even as a child, and I would say Disney in general is much less popular in Europe than it is here in Japan. After all, there are two extremely successful Disney theme parks in Japan alone, whereas Disneyland Paris serves all of Europe and loses money year after year.
Japanese prefectures: Kagoshima
If you're Japanese, you probably have no idea what the JLPT is. If you're not and you're studying the language, you're probably familiar with it, or at least have heard of it.